auther photoSL Kaufman is a graduate of the Wharton School of The University of Pennsylvania and The New York University School of Law. Before relocating to his own personal “Paradise”, Kaufman spent 40 years in the legal, commercial, and financial communities in New York City.

After decades of failed relationships, marriages, and spiraling into an unhappy future, Kaufman gave way to his heart and started anew. A new location, surrounded by similar souls, Kaufman found his heart and mind open with new



10665390_444301109041093_7594316307374617548_nAlthough he has written his entire life, this is Mr. Kaufman’s first published work. He is also an accomplished musician and songwriter having played the guitar since his early years in college. Currently, Mr. Kaufman is working on his next volume of poetry, which will be aptly titled “Into my Life Unexpected…A Journey to Me”, Part 3….Finding Love. In addition, Mr. Kaufman has a growing list of clients who have commissioned him to write “thoughts, poems or songs” for them, a loved one or a special occasion.