Sometimes a photo takes your breath away and at the same time inspires. So it is with the Paradise sunset picture taken by my friend Mitch Fogelman.
I wrote today’s blog moments ago, inspired by this photo.

The month is ending
With very little on the page
As I have continued my recovery
With little focus elsewhere

I’m recovering strongly
Walking unaided for 2 plus miles
Sleeping with little pain
And ready to play golf regularly

Discomfort accompanies me everywhere
Despite it being unknown to others
And I am too often completely overcome
By the burden it now is

And there has been a darkness
That I feel has taken over
As my social life is in disarray
While other relationships are questionable

I still remain positive
Awaiting my son’s arrival this weekend
And my continued exploration of Paradise
As I continue to reassess my purpose

Eleven years now here
And not one moment of regret
As I have entered the age of the aged
With a new perspective

For life remains a wonder
With my journey ever evolving
And just as each sunset overwhelms me
So does it reinforce and justify everything